FS Extra👣 Download this free ebook with 21 persuasion tips

Published: Fri, 03/11/22

There's only one sure way to get anything you want in life... and that is with the cooperation of other people.

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In this free ebook you'll learn valuable techniques

Without the cooperation of others, you'd never get a job, go out on a date or have any friends.

To gain cooperation, you have to use persuasion to get it.

Many people try to persuade others by rationalizing with them. Doesn't always work.

Sometimes they try to argue with someone to get what they want. That won't work.

Smart people learn something about the art of persuasion and learn to give the other person something valuable in exchange.
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Learn about the art of persuasion in this free download

A friend of mine, Michael Lee, has created a breakthrough course titled "How To Be An Expert Persuader.. In 20 Days Or Less" and I have to say, it is phenomenal!

Michael has such a wonderful writing style. As you go through his course, you get the feeling that he is right there with you, guiding you gently through the material.

You'll see links to that course, throughout your free ebook.

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