FS Extra👣 Learn 7 keys to break through limits (free, live 90-minute deep-dive training)

Published: Wed, 03/15/23

Although her students have gone on to become successful entrepreneurs, New York Times bestselling authors, millionaires, billionaires and even household names, Debra Poneman has always taught that true success is about living with deep inner happiness, knowing your purpose for being here and contributing to making the world a better place for all.

Debra has been considered an icon in the world of transformational leadership since she offered her first Yes to Success seminar in 1981.

She is going to give you the inspiration and tools to create your own mega-success whatever that may be during her live 90-minute deep-dive training.

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Learn the 7 Keys to Break Through Limits and live your ultimate life

In this training, Debra will share the story of how, in 1980, she was a flat-broke, full-time meditation teacher. Then she began to use the principles she now teaches. Within less than 2 years she was appearing on radio and TV and in print from coast to coast, was offering her seminar to sold-out rooms in 12 US cities, had reps teaching around the world and was living her ultimate life.

She will also share the story of a man who was sick, depressed, broke and suicidal and after employing the principles he learned from Debra, he turned his life around and nine years ago, sold his business for ten figures (true story).

Finally, she'll share the story of another man who was in graduate school in computers to please his parents. Once he heard the knowledge in Debra’s seminar he quit school, walked away from his parents money and started on a new path which has now led her to become a renowned superstar in his field and live his ultimate life.

In this powerful webinar, Debra will give you the tools to live the kind of success where:

- You wake up in the morning with fire in your belly and excitement in your heart

- You’re guided at every moment by an inner voice as to how you can make a difference

- You harness the power of the Universe so that your life is an effortless flow

- You have absolute clarity about when to stay the course and when to let go

- You know how to spontaneously tap Into the universal flow of grace to effortlessly manifestation your dreams

- You experience deep unshakeable inner silence so that you can be a lighthouse for others in the midst of chaos

- Most importantly, when you look in the mirror, you love the person who’s looking back at you.

In this extraordinary free, online, live Zoom event, Debra will take you through a powerful process that her students say has been indispensable in creating their ultimate lives and will even share what the ancient mystical texts say you need to do to face and overcome life’s biggest challenges.

Yes! Give me access to Debra’s free, deep-dive training

If you’re ready to live a life of true and lasting success with all the spiritual and material prosperity your heart yearns for, you’ll want to join Debra for this powerful free event.

Debra’s students include some of the most recognized names in the world of transformational leadership who attribute their monumental success to the practices she will be sharing in this webinar.

I guarantee you'll experience a powerful life shift from joining Debra for this 90-minute live and interactive event.

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