FS Extra 👣 Unblock and energize your 7 chakras

Published: Sat, 08/24/24

Updated: Sat, 08/24/24

Handmade by artisans with seven semi-precious stones, this bracelet balances, unblocks and energizes each of your seven chakras and, in turn, every dimension of your life.

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The purpose of this bracelet is to restore and rebalance your 7 chakras getting you back to your spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically healthy self.

For thousands of years, ancient bodies of wisdom have harnessed natural materials like these stones to influence the human body and energetic field.

Through this bracelet, you get to wear that power on your wrist, wherever you go.

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In addition to your beautiful Reiki Energy Healing Bracelet, they will also include two free gifts if you can reserve yours today.

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