[FS Extra] 👣 Experience deep meditation quickly (3 free 41-min. meditation downloads)

Published: Sat, 07/06/19

These 3 free, sound technology tracks, called iAwake
Explore, are powerful examples of the types of tools iAwake
provides for relaxation, optimal performance, spiritual
development and healing.

Learn more and download iAwake Explore here

These are the 3 free tracks you can collect at that link...

1. Profound Meditation 3.0 (20 minutes)
This sample is from iAwake's flagship product, the Profound
Meditation Program 3.0. In just 20 minutes our advanced
entrainment process will gently guide your brain and mind
into a deeply enjoyable and relaxing state of meditation in
which you will very likely feel the delightful sensation of
“floating". The more you listen to it, the more you will
effortlessly shed the stresses of the day. Don't be fooled
by the simple running water sound track! This is powerful
stuff. Try using it daily for a week and see what changes
you notice.

2. HeartWave Meditation (10 minutes)
Allow yourself to soak in the deeply moving and beautiful
music, as you feel your body’s tensions easing, your mind
stilling and clearing, your heart warming and opening. Use
as often as you feel called to.

3. Stealing Flow (12 minutes)
A full-spectrum, whole-brain workout. Creative flow, peak
performance, insight and intuition, focus, flexibility, and
release. This is a track from Stealing Flow that you can
listen to in a relaxed yet present way while you meditate,
or you can have it playing in the background while you work,
study, create. This is powerful, so don’t play this more
than a few hours every few days.

To use these tracks effectively, download, import into your
playing device, use a pair of headphones or good earbuds,
and sit quietly. If you are an experienced meditator, you
can use whatever practice you are currently using or simply
sit and notice what arises during the meditation.

This technology is a life changer, get started here today

By listening to iAwake Technologies' tracks, you can:

- Experience deep meditation quickly
- Increase your resilience to life's challenges
- Evolve and deepen your spiritual life
- Relieve stress, anxiety and depression
- Increase your creativity
- Deepen compassion for yourself and others

I think you'll find these tracks a tremendous aid on your
transformative journey of becoming your best and most
creative self.

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