[FS Extra] 👣 Discover amazing states of consciousness within your sleep

Published: Tue, 08/27/19

When in the dream state, you're in a reality that's as close
to the truth of who you are. Which means, since there are no
limitations, rules and structure in the dream state, your
lucid dreams will be a much accurate representation of who
you are than the life you're living in your waking state. 

Seeing the (sometimes) stark contrast between who you think
you are in the waking reality and who you really are in the
dream reality is an excellent eye-opener.

Discover amazing states of consciousness within your sleep

Use lucid dreaming to tap into the deepest depths of your
consciousness and upgrade any dimension of your life.

Use your sleep to accelerate spiritual growth, solve complex
problems and have mind-blowing adventures you choose.

Andrew Holecek, a devout buddhist practitioner, is an
undeniable expert in laying out complicated contemporary
practices of eastern spirituality in simple words.

Through his teachings on meditation, lucid dreaming and
dream yoga, Andrew has delivered a body of wisdom that
liberates people from all sorts of mental & physical limitations.

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