FS Extra👣 Keep your head up and keep calm Thursday 28 May

Published: Thu, 05/28/20

At the end of each Forward Steps email from me, right under
my name and just above the P.S., I'll be inserting your link to
the Raise Our Spirit page, updated daily to end June or July.

It'll then be up to you to remember to visit that link each day,
when you receive your usual Forward Steps emails from me.

Today & tomorrow you'll receive the last daily email reminders.

Enable images then click this button
Visit & Raise Our Spirit by sharing this Thurs. 28 May

For the newest gift each day, simply click on its image, it's
right below the video. Each day's gift will be updated at the
same time that I update your daily 'raise our spirit' video.

Enable images then click here to see today's gift

If you're feeling stir crazy, reply to any email of mine. I do
answer. You'll only need to be mindful of my AWST time
zone. Practise physical distancing, not social distancing!

Click here to view (or share) previous emails

See you again soon.

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