FS Extra👣 Is your heart tugging you in a new direction?

Published: Thu, 08/27/20

Right now, you may have the tugging in your heart for
something greater.

This is a time of introspection, reevaluation and
transformation, with a lot of positive outcomes.

Sheltering-in-place for some has become a blossoming-in-place.

Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck in your smallness,
your fears or some limited definition of who you are and
looking to find your purpose?

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Step into the highest version of yourself

Let’s put everything on the table: how we eat, think, act,
relate and love, how we grow our food, our life’s purpose,
what we hold dear.

The time to engage our journey of transformation is now, not
after we’ve settled back into old habits.

A Magnificent New Normal helps you answer questions like:

- What is your vision for a post-pandemic civilization?
- What inspires you to stand up and take part?
- Do you feel a pull to become something magnificent?
- As you step into full power, how can you bring it into the world?
- How do you find your authentic voice?
- Which daily habits do you want to upgrade and redefine?

It’s not hard to see it. We have stepped out of the deeply
etched habits of our lives. We are in unfamiliar territory,
often uncomfortable. Things are shifting. It’s a perfect
time to insert new information to guide our transformation.

This moment is precious. How can we use it?

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and helpful ebooks about living your most resilient life!

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