Published: Mon, 12/30/24
Updated: Mon, 12/30/24
Miracles you’re seeking are seeking you! It’s a law of the universe. The question is, are you allowing those miracles to find you? For many people,…
Published: Sun, 12/29/24
Updated: Sun, 12/29/24
If there’s one thing that you could change in your life right now…what would it be? Better health? More abundance? Less stress? A more fulfilling…
Published: Sat, 12/28/24
Updated: Sat, 12/28/24
Have you ever wished for a glimpse of your future, one so vivid and real it feels like a pull toward your dreams? Today, you don’t have to wonder.
Published: Fri, 12/27/24
Updated: Fri, 12/27/24
Do you feel like you could use a real miracle in your life? I’m happy to share a gift with you today that I think can help… Listen to this meditation…
Published: Thu, 12/26/24
Updated: Thu, 12/26/24
Miracles you’re seeking are seeking you! It’s a law of the universe. The question is, are you allowing those miracles to find you? For many people,…
Published: Wed, 12/25/24
Updated: Wed, 12/25/24
At this time, I often reflect on the past year and think of you (who have made a difference in my life), as well as those with whom I have made a…
Published: Tue, 12/24/24
Updated: Tue, 12/24/24
Each year, I create an Advent Calendar for the December holiday season. Advent simply means, the coming or arrival of something or someone that is…
Published: Mon, 12/23/24
Updated: Mon, 12/23/24
Nowadays, we live with e pectations of instant access, we have a throw away culture. We want it instantly, right now, and at our fingertips! The 365…
Published: Sun, 12/22/24
Updated: Sun, 12/22/24
The first step to being in control of your own life is understanding who you are, at the deepest core of your being. To do that, you could look to the…
Published: Sat, 12/21/24
Updated: Sat, 12/21/24
Imagine having access to a daily dose of inspiration, wisdom and motivation. Today, I introduce you to a remarkable collection of 365 P.S. messages…